Parents in the Treatment Room
As mentioned above, parents are welcome to accompany your child into the treatment area during the initial exam. Some children, especially younger ones, do better with a parent present. Other children tend to behave and listen better outside their parent’s presence (much like when they are at daycare or in school). The most important element of a successful dental visit is the ability of our dental team to communicate with your child.
Competition for your child's attention may interfere with this goal during restorative dental appointments (fillings, caps, nitrous oxide and sedation dentistry). For this reason it is preferable for parents to accompany their children to the treatment area, then return to the reception area. We will come get you should there be any behavior issues. In some instances, we may ask you to remain in the treatment area as a “silent partner” while we tend to your child’s teeth. In that way, we can devote our full attention to your child and your child can devote his/her full attention to us.
Crying Children
In spite of all your preparation, it is possible that your child may still feel apprehensive and cry. Please do not be discouraged or upset by this. Crying is a normal reaction of children to new experiences or the unknown. In fact, with infants and toddlers, crying is often helpful, allowing us to quickly examine their teeth and gum tissue. As your child matures, we will continue to foster their independence and promote positive self-esteem. Every effort will be made to make each visit enjoyable and pleasant.